International journals with review process
- [J8]
Early characterization and prediction of glioblastoma and brain metastases treatment efficacy using medical imaging-based radiomics and artificial intelligence algorithms,
N. Moreau , S. Valable , C. Jaudet , L. Dessoude , T. Leleu , R. Herault , R. Modzelewski , D. Stefan , J. Thariat , A. Lechervy and A. Corroyer-Dulmont,
Frontiers in Oncology,
- [J7]
Development and routine implementation of deep learning algorithm for automatic brain metastases segmentation on MRI for RANO-BM criteria follow-up,
L. Dessoude , R. Lemaire , R. Andres , T. Leleu , A. G. Leclercq , A. Desmonts , T. Corroller , A. Fara Orou-Guidou , L. Laduree , L. Le Henaff , J. Lacroix , A. Lechervy , D. Stefan and A. Corroyer-Dulmont,
February 2025.
- [J6]
Automatic Classification of Sleep Stages from EEG Signals Using Riemannian Metrics and Transformer Networks,
M. Seraphim , A. Lechervy , F. Yger , L. Brun and O. Etard,
SN Computer Science,
- [J5]
An Evidential Deep Network Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory for Large Dataset,
L. Deregnaucourt , A. Lechervy , H. Laghmara and S. Ainouz,
Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion. Collected Works, Volume 5,
October 2023.
- [J4]
The Impact of Resampling and Denoising Deep Learning Algorithms on Radiomics in Brain Metastases MRI,
I. Moummad , C. Jaudet , A. Lechervy , S. Valable , C. Raboutet , Z. Soilihi , J. Thariat , N. Falzone , J. Lacroix , A. Batalla and A. Corroyer-Dulmont,
Juin 2022.
- [J3]
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence CNN Based Denoising on FDG PET Radiomics,
C. Jaudet , K. Weyts , A. Lechervy , A. Batalla , S. Bardet and A. Corroyer-Dulmont,
Frontiers in Oncology,
- [J2]
Multi-Level Sensor Fusion with Deep Learning,
V. Vielzeuf , A. Lechervy , S. Pateux and F. Jurie,
IEEE Sensors Letters,
October 2018.
- [J1]
Boosted kernel for image categorization,
A. Lechervy , P-h. Gosselin and F. Precioso ,
Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP),
February 2012.
International conferences with review process
- [C21]
A Conflict-Guided Evidential Fusion for Multimodal Semantic Segmentation,
L. Deregnaucourt , H. Laghmara , A. Lechervy and S. Ainouz,
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV),
- [C20]
CHASE: Channel-Wise and Spatial Attention forEarly Exiting in Image Classification,
Y. Addad , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
- [C19]
Structure-Preserving Transformers for Sequences of SPD Matrices,
M. Seraphim , A. Lechervy , F. Yger , L. Brun and O. Etard,
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2024),
- [C18]
Balancing Accuracy and Efficiency in Budget-Aware Early-Exiting Neural Networks,
Y. Addad , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),
- [C17]
Automatic Sleep Stage Classification on EEG Signals Using Time-Frequency Representation,
P. Dequidt , M. Seraphim , A. Lechervy , I.I. Gaez , L. Brun and O. Etard,
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2023),
- [C16]
Temporal Sequences of EEG Covariance Matrices for Automated Sleep Stage Scoring with Attention Mechanisms,
M. Seraphim , P. Dequidt , A. Lechervy , F. Yger , L. Brun and O. Etard,
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP 2023),
- [C15]
Multi-Exit Resource-Efficient Neural Architecture for Image Classification with Optimized Fusion Block,
Y. Addad , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops,
- [C14]
Combining Vision and Language Representations for Patch-based ,
P. Jha , G. Dias , A. Lechervy , A. Jangra , J. Moreno , S. Pais and S. Sriparna,
Identification of Lexico-Semantic Relations. 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM).,
- [C13]
Improving Neural Text Style Transfer by Introducing Loss Function Sequentiality,
C. Rane , G. Dias , A. Lechervy and A. Ekbal,
SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
- [C12]
Learning to classify materials using Mueller imaging polarimetry,
Y. Quéau , F. Leporcq , A. Lechervy and A. Alfalou,
Fourteenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision,
May 2019.
- [C11]
TS-Net: Combining Modality Specific and Common Features for Multimodal Patch Matching,
S. En , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
Athen, Greece, October 2018.
- [C10]
An Occam’s Razor View on Learning Audiovisual Emotion Recognition with Small Training Sets,
V. Vielzeuf , C. Kervadec , S. Pateux , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
ICMI (EmotiW),
Boulder, Colorado, United States, October 2018.
- [C9]
CAKE: Compact and Accurate K-dimensional representation of Emotion,
C. Kervadec , V. Vielzeuf , S. Pateux , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
Image Analysis for Human Facial and Activity Recognition (BMVC Workshop),
September 2018.
- [C8]
RPNet: an End-to-End Network for Relative Camera Pose Estimation,
S. En , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
4th International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose (ECCV Workshop),
Munich, Germany, September 2018.
- [C7]
CentralNet: a Multilayer Approach for Multimodal Fusion,
V. Vielzeuf , A. Lechervy , S. Pateux and F. Jurie,
Multimodal Learning and Applications (ECCV Workshop),
Munich, Germany, September 2018.
- [C6]
A Joint Learning Approach for Cross Domain Age Estimation,
B. Bhattarai , G. Sharma , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
- [C5]
MLBoost Revisited: A Faster Metric Learning Algorithm for Identity-Based Face Retrieval,
R. Negrel , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
September 2016.
- [C4]
Boosted Metric Learning for Efficient Identity-Based Face Retrieval,
R. Negrel , A. Lechervy and F. Jurie,
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
September 2015.
- [C3]
Boosting kernel combination for multi-class image categorization,
A. Lechervy , P-h. Gosselin and F. Precioso ,
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A, September 2012.
- [C2]
Linear kernel combination using boosting,
A. Lechervy , P-h. Gosselin and F. Precioso ,
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN),
Bruges, Belguim, April 2012.
- [C1]
Active Boosting for interactive object retrieval,
A. Lechervy , P-h. Gosselin and F. Precioso ,
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),
Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2010.
National conferences with review process
- [N5]
Appariement d'images d'oeuvres d'Art avec descriptions textuelles variées,
R. Lemaire , A. Lechervy and Y. Chahir,
Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception (RFIAP),
Lille, France, Juillet 2024.
- [N4]
Analyse automatique de l'état de sommeil sur données EEG par utilisation de Transformers et de matrices de covariance,
M. Seraphim , P. Dequidt , A. Lechervy , F. Yger , L. Brun and O. Etard,
Journée des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur,
Caen, France, May 2023.
- [N3]
Fusion multimodale centrale RGB-polarimétrique pour l’analyse de scènes routières dans des conditions météorologiques dégradées,
L. Deregnaucourt , H. Laghmara , A. Lechervy and S. Ainouz,
Journée des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur,
Caen, France, May 2023.
- [N2]
Impact d'un algorithme de machine learning de resampling sur les radiomiques en IRM,
I. Moummad , C. Jaudet , A. Lechervy , S. Valable , C. Raboutet , J. Lacroix , A. Batalla and A. Corroyer-Dulmont,
Journée thématique Santé et Sciences du numérique,
Caen, France, Jun 2021.
- [N1]
Boosting actif pour la recherche interactive d'images,
A. Lechervy , P.-H Gosselin and F. Precioso,
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA2010),
Caen, France, Jan. 2010.
- Phd
Apprentissage interactif et multi-classes pour la détection de concepts sémantiques dans des données multimédia,
A. Lechervy
In Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
Cergy, France, Dec. 2012.